Our companies
We create an engaged community. The ITCORNER members share their knowledge and experiences. We like each other, we trust one another, and we want to work together.
Check our companies
companies from all over Poland
leaders involved in our activities
5 000+
IT professionals employed by our companies
initiatives organized annually
Krzysztof Ryk | COO | Antologic
ITCORNER is the only organization I know of where relationships are crucial and where members have tremendous opportunities and autonomy. Together we build a creative space where we can share observations and solve problems in complete trust. This experience has taught me more than any book or course. Drawing knowledge from people who have already passed a given stage is priceless.
Piotr Wilczek I CEO | Medical Algorithms
ITCORNER is an organization where relationships come first. Mutual exchange of information and sharing of experiences is something of the greatest value. It is a space for creative people who look for new solutions. It's a place where we inspire and support each other. It's a large portion of substantive knowledge that I wouldn't find in books or courses. All this makes ITCORNER a unique organization.